An old proverb says: “all that glitter is not gold”: indeed guitar pedals don’t (usually) glitter, but they can be the gold of your own sound, doesn’t matter whether you’re trying to sound like a chainsaw with some racked distortion pedals, like some kind of trippy ambient guitarist or whathever the hell you can sound like with a wah pedal.
A good setup, and knowing how to use the features that it offers, can easily up your game from beginner to “wow, look at that guy making cool music and…. hey what the heck is he doing with that synth pedal?”
Here you can find the latest articles about stompboxes and guitar pedals, usually focused on strange pedals and quirky sound-makers boxes, because yes, sometimes stepping in unknown areas is funny and also useful for exploring more sounds; don’t worry though, the classics and the more common stuff is also there, so give a look around and pick your own sound!

NUX Horseman Overdrive Pedal Review: Is It Worth the Hype?

Nux PLEXI CRUNCH Distortion Pedal Review: Is It Worth the Hype?

The Best Psychedelic Guitar Pedals: How to Get Psychedelic Rock Guitar Tones with Effect Pedals

Donner White Tape Delay Review

Donner Dynamic Auto Wah Review

Donner ABY Box Review

Donner Blues Drive Review

Donner Tutti Love Chorus Review

Donner Circle Looper Pedal Review: is it a good Loop Pedal with Drum Machine Effect?